Privacy Policy

Personal Data

a) Make sure you introduce your Personal data correctly
Using this website you agree with your personal data being processed and you declare that these are accurate and true. The personal and contact information you provide on our website is extremely important for the execution of your online transactions with us, because, among others, they and are the only means the Company has to contact you. For the above reason, particular care is required when filling in the form. The Company shall not bear any responsibility in case any of its contractual or legal obligations are not properly fulfilled or on time, due to incorrect or outdated personal data declared by the Customer. All communication taking place on the e-mail address or the telephone number you have introduced (such as the product being out of stock) will be considered as valid even if it failed to be delivered due to any contact information introduced improperly by you, or due to technical or any other damage to your server, your phone or on your telecommunication provider or due to new contact details which have not been notified to the Company. The same applies for the contact address and shipping address, as well as for fixed telephone numbers. In any case, you are obliged to update your data whenever a change occurs.

b) Registered users
For your convenience in your future purchases, you are provided with the opportunity to register as a user of our website (log in) so your details remain in the Company system. You may create a user profile (Name, Address, Phone Number, City, Postal Code and Country) which you may access with two codes: Username and Password. For security reasons, you may change your Password and, being the only one to have access to this account, you are invited to keep both codes secret from third parties. In case of loss, you have the obligation to immediately notify the Company. Otherwise the Company shall not be liable if your secret codes are used by an unauthorized person.
c) Privacy Policy
The Company, having your service and the best possible transactions with you as priority, collects all your personal information, seriously and responsibly, through our website special electronic form, observing strictly the applicable provisions of Law 2472 / 1997 on the Protection of processing of personal data and of Law 3471/2006 on the protection of personal data and privacy in electronic communications. In addition, the Company uses the personal information voluntarily provided by you, as mentioned above, for direct and effective communication with you, your best service and execution of your orders and does not distribute or transfer to any third party (natural or legal person), not connected with the company, any information and any of your personal data with the exception of the relevant provisions of the law and to the relevant authorities. In case you transfer to the Company any third party personal data, you shall be responsible to inform such person about the use of data and to ensure you have the express consent that such information is given for the purposes explained above. If you have purchased a product or a gift card, the personal information of the other person, provided by you, will be used for the following purposes: a) Managing the delivery and / or verifying the correct delivery of the respective product and b) answering to any questions or service requests made by you or the third person.


“” is using cookies as part of convenience and operation of services through the website i.e. small files (text files), which are sent and stored on the user’s computer, allowing the website to operate smoothly and without bugs, to collect several preferences of the user in order to identify frequent users, to facilitate their access to the website and to collect data to improve the site content. Cookies do not cause damage to users’ computers, or the files they are kept in. We use cookies to provide you with information and to process your orders, and they are deleted after you exit the website. Please be advised that cookies are absolutely necessary in order for the website to function properly and smoothly.


To ensure security of your transactions and protection of your personal data, the Company uses SSL technology (Secure Socket Layer), while the website does not record or store in any manner, any of your credit card details. SSL is the most reliable medium for safe transactions through the internet world. Your credit card payment information are transmitted / transferred via the Internet in any encrypted form (SSL 128-bit encryption) and are not accessible from our e-shop. The systems and procedures used by the bank prevent unauthorized third parties access its data and informational systems.


1. The exclusive right of the Company to discontinue use of the password to our website services, and discontinue the availability of content and information whenever it considers that the visitor / user / customer violates these terms, or if there is evidence and complaints for illegal acts or omissions.
2. The right of the Company to terminate or suspend the operation of the online store and modify its content, at any time with or without prior notice.
3. The Company makes every effort (regular technical verifications) for the uninterrupted operation of the website and to maintain the existing high level of security. However, the Company shall not bear any responsibility in case the website operation is suddenly discontinued or access thereto is not possible, or should, despite the existing security measures, viruses or other malicious software is identified, causing problems in the correct operation thereof or removing personal data of clients and registered users;
4. All product descriptions, information and materials posted on this website are provided “as is”. Therefore the colors shown on the website may differ or be affected by various factors including the configuration of your computer. Moreover, all sizes are approximate and you are invited to select your products using the sizes guide.


Our website may contain links to other websites and resources provided by third parties. These links are provided solely for informational purposes, and the content of such websites or resources is not in any way under our control. Therefore the Company does not bear any responsibility for any loss or damage that may result from the use of such links.


You may keep track with the products and services of the Company, through the social media used by the Company. The operation of the above applications is governed solely by the terms of the respective social networking services and the Company does not assume any responsibility.


This Agreement is governed by the European and Greek law, and especially by the laws regulating issues related to electronic commerce, distance sales, copyright and consumer protection. In the event of a dispute regarding these terms between the visitor / user / customer and the company, the former is required, before initiating any judicial act, to contact our online store “ – Kastorian Furs”, via telephone or email, within 14 days from the occurrence of such fact. Any failure to respect this condition constitutes a breach of an essential contractual provision concluded between the visitor / user / customer and the company. If you choose to access our site from another country, you have the responsibility to observe the laws of that country. The Courts of Kastoria shall be competent to resolve any dispute arising from the use of our website or on the interpretation or application of these terms of use.


Should you not be satisfied from execution of your order or for any other reason relating to our website, you have the right, within 14 days from the occurrence of the problem, to make a complaint via email at to either to fill in the dedicated form. The Company shall consider your complaint as soon as possible and the reply will be sent to the e-mail address indicated by you within 14 days.

The website may use “cookies” to identify the visitor / user / subscriber specific services and pages of the website. The “cookies” are installed in your hard disc, without having access to any document or archive of your computer. Used only to facilitate the visitor / user / subscriber specific services of the website and for statistical purposes in order to define areas where the website services are useful or popular or for marketing purposes. The guest / user / subscriber of the website can configure the server (browser) in such a way that, to warn him of the use of cookies in specific services of the website, or to refuse to accept the use of cookies in no way. If the visitor / user / subscriber of such services and pages of the website does not wish to use cookies to identify, can not have further access to these services. The website uses “cookies” Google Analytics for anonymous demographics and interests.